Behind Closed Doors at Dreamforce 2023: Secretive Roundtables That Could Upend Industries

Behind Closed Doors at Dreamforce 2023: Secretive Roundtables That Could Upend Industries
Photo by Derick Daily / Unsplash

Dreamforce is renowned for its star-studded keynotes, bustling expos, and invaluable networking opportunities. However, there's a much more secretive side to this annual Salesforce event that many people don't know about: a series of private sessions and backroom discussions where the fate of entire industries might be decided. In this article, we're pulling back the curtain on these clandestine meetings that could be shaping the business landscape for the next year.

The Closed-Door Roundtables

While Salesforce has been praised for democratizing software and leveling the playing field for businesses, it's no secret that bigger clients often get special attention. At Dreamforce, this manifests in exclusive, invite-only roundtables where industry titans and Fortune 500 CEOs discuss the future of technology and business. While these meetings are highly secretive, their impact is undeniably massive. Strategies are formed, partnerships are born, and sometimes entire market shifts are set into motion—long before the general public hears a whisper.

Midnight Tech Negotiations

Imagine a scenario where several leaders of competing tech companies meet under the cover of night at an undisclosed location during Dreamforce week. While it sounds like the plot of a spy novel, insiders know that this is more reality than fiction. Often, these midnight discussions lead to significant strategic decisions or acquisitions that reverberate across the tech world. These late-night dealings, held far from the limelight, can change the trajectory of the market almost overnight.

The Whisper Networks

What happens when you put thousands of the industry's most influential people in one city? A lot of whispering. While not officially part of the Dreamforce agenda, the impromptu discussions that occur in San Francisco's high-end lounges, private hotel rooms, and even the corridors of the Moscone Center can be just as impactful as any official session. Here, rumors turn into facts, speculations into strategies, and informal chats into industry-changing partnerships.

Regulatory Discussions Behind Closed Doors

Salesforce has been actively involved in lobbying for tech regulation and industry standards. During Dreamforce, a select group of government officials, legal experts, and industry leaders often meet privately to discuss these critical topics. While they're not breaking any laws, these conversations usually happen far from public scrutiny, raising questions about transparency and the potential influence over regulatory decisions that shape industries.


Dreamforce is undeniably an event that brings invaluable benefits to its attendees, but it also serves as a backdrop for high-stakes, secretive discussions that have far-reaching implications. While the overt message is one of innovation, collaboration, and community, the covert operations could be deciding the future of industries, regulatory landscapes, and even global economies. So the next time you attend Dreamforce, remember that the real action might not be on the stage, but behind closed doors.