AWS DevOps Zero to Hero: A Comprehensive Guide for DevOps Engineers

AWS DevOps Zero to Hero: A Comprehensive Guide for DevOps Engineers
Photo by Alex Gruber / Unsplash

GitHub - iam-veeramalla/aws-devops-zero-to-hero: AWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples.
AWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples. - GitHub - iam-veeramalla/aws-devops-zero…

The technological landscape is constantly evolving, and for DevOps engineers, staying ahead of the curve is essential. The integration of cloud services like AWS has become a core aspect of modern development and deployment processes. Recognizing this need, the "AWS DevOps Zero to Hero" program has been developed, aimed at empowering DevOps professionals with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on AWS within 30 days. Here's what it entails:

What is AWS DevOps Zero to Hero?

"AWS DevOps Zero to Hero" is a 30-day intensive training program designed for DevOps engineers. It encompasses lectures, projects, presentations, interview questions, and real-time examples. The course guides learners through various AWS services, focusing on how they fit within DevOps practices.

Curriculum Overview

  1. Introduction to AWS: Understand the public and private cloud, why companies are moving to the public cloud, and basic AWS services.
  2. IAM (Identity and Access Management): Learn about managing access to AWS resources.
  3. EC2 Instances: Dive into virtual servers in the cloud.
  4. AWS Networking (VPC): Explore Virtual Private Cloud concepts.
  5. AWS Security: Focus on best practices for securing AWS resources.
  6. AWS Route 53: Manage a domain name using Route 53.
  7. Secure VPC Setup with EC2 Instances: Hands-on project in VPC design and configuration.
  8. Amazon S3: Learn about scalable object storage service.
  9. AWS CLI & CloudFormation: Command-line tools and Infrastructure as Code.
  10. AWS Code Services: Explore CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy.
  11. AWS Monitoring and Serverless Technologies: CloudWatch, Lambda, EventBridge, etc.
  12. AWS Containerization Services: Learn about ECR, ECS, EKS.
  13. AWS Systems Manager & Secrets Manager: Managing secrets and configurations.
  14. Infrastructure using Terraform: Building infrastructure with Terraform.
  15. AWS Auditing and Compliance: CloudTrail and Config for auditing and compliance.
  16. AWS Elastic Load Balancer: Distributing incoming application traffic.
  17. AWS Cloud Migration Strategies and Tools: Migrating applications to AWS cloud.
  18. AWS Best Practices and Job Preparation: Comprehensive review and preparation for real-world application.

Why is it Beneficial to DevOps Engineers?

  1. Skill Enhancement: The program offers a deep understanding of AWS, crucial for implementing scalable and reliable applications.
  2. Hands-On Experience: Real-time projects mimic the challenges faced in real-world scenarios, fostering practical skills.
  3. Career Growth: Knowledge of AWS can significantly increase career opportunities and earning potential.
  4. Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering a wide array of topics, this program offers a well-rounded view of both AWS and how it intersects with DevOps principles.
  5. Interview Preparation: The inclusion of interview questions and answers ensures that participants are well-prepared to take on job interviews.
  6. Best Practices Insight: Emphasizing security and optimization best practices ensures that engineers can build efficient and secure solutions.


The "AWS DevOps Zero to Hero" program is an invaluable resource for DevOps engineers, providing the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in today's cloud-centric world. From understanding the basics of AWS to hands-on projects and interview preparation, this 30-day program offers a comprehensive, real-world approach to mastering AWS in a DevOps context. Investing in this learning path will undoubtedly pay dividends in terms of career growth, enhanced skills, and a strong understanding of modern development practices and tools.